Building in Bay City


Submitting Master Plans will speed up the plan review process, so it is recommended. When you submit the permit for each build, we would only need the updated page rather than the full plant set.

If so, what is required to submit?
Full plan set including MEP. Digital is preferred. Are there any fees associated with getting the master plans approved? No Fees for master plans. Fees will be collected for each address as they are permitted.

What is the process and turnaround time to get the approvals back?
Approvals could take up to 21 days. However, our plan reviewer has been returning approvals within a week. With a master plan on file, the approval process would likely be shortened for each submittal.

See attached checklist. Every item on the attached checklist must be submitted to ensure a timely approval.

What are the permitting fees?
NRC plan review/permit fee is a flat rate up to 1,500 square foot. I’ve attached the fee schedule (“1717”) for your reference – starts on bottom of page 5.

Is there a plan review fee?
See above.

We will be paying for all fees with checks, so do the checks need to be included
with each permit submittal? That is recommended. Please also include fees for water and sewer taps. City Fee schedule is attached.

What is the turnaround time for getting permits back?
Once we receive plan review approval, permit will be issued as soon as possible if all required forms have been submitted and fees paid. It typically takes 1-2 days.

If you are submitting digital plans, please send to, attention Roxanne Gomez, Permit Technician. If you are submitting hard copy, drop off at the Public Works Warehouse located at 1217 Ave J, Bay City. Since you are paying by check, you can drop off the completed forms & check, and then email the plans if that is an option for you. It will speed the approval process.

Submit the same form – “Simplified Building Permit Application” for construction/sales trailers.

What is required to be submitted to apply for this type of permit?
Site plan, photo or detail of the trailer if new.

What are the fees for these permits?
$125.00 per trade.

Yes, water tap & sewer tap applications – attached.

What are the water tap fees?
Water tap fee for 1” or 5/8” meter = $1,300.00
Sewer tap fee for 4” = $1,300.00
Sewer surcharge (impact fee) for single family residential = $618.00
See pages 13 & 15 of the fee schedule for further pricing if tap sizes are outside of what is listed above.

Are Impact Fees? If so, what are they?
See above.

Is there a separate department to contact for the water?
No. Our Permit
Technician will receive and process the tap request & fees.

Is there a fee to register as a contractor?
No fee.

Immediate, as long as online contractor registration form is completed and supporting docs (DL) are included with submittal. Permit and approved plans will be returned to you by email if you are submitting digitally. If you are sending a courier for hard copies, no DL is required, just please be sure to let our Permit Technician know who to expect.

By contract Bureau Veritas has up to 3 weeks to do reviews, turnaround time could change depending on their workload as well as the builder sending in a complete submittal initially. If there are missing documents, it can prolong the approval process.